Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This is a good imitation of the blues

Has anyone told you they missed you lately?
Yes, so cute! :)

What are you doing Saturday?
I'LL BE IN TEXAS!!! With Sam, apparently drinking at some country bar! HELL. YES.

What's the last song you listened to?
Glory Box - Portishead. I wish I wasn't so damn addicted to this song.

Who is the last person to send you a msg?
A message? What kind of message. If it's via Facebook, than Alex.

Who were the last three people to text your phone?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH, I don't remember, its been so long.

Do you think long distance relationships work out?
I don't know, I've never had to make one work. I think if two people are meant to work out, they'll find a way.

Does anyone disgust you?
A few people. AAHAHAHAHAHA.

What's something you can't wait for?

Is anything bothering you?
I'm kinda lonely right now. It's whatever though.

Are you talking to anyone while doing this? Who?
No :( Why are all of you assholes sleeping?

When you say you don't care do you mean it?
Most of the time, I really don't care. But there are those times where I say I don't care and tears immedietely form in my eyes, it's awful.

Think back to yesterday, what were you doing?
Camping, driving home from camping... that's basically it.

Do you enjoy family get togethers?
Sometimes. I enjoy them more now than I used to.

Are you keeping a secret?
Everyone has a secret, therefore, yes, I am keeping a secret and I'll never tell.

Did you laugh a lot at something today?
Not really actually, today was really boring.

Has someone smacked your butt in the past week?
Yes. HAHA.

Your boyfriend/girlfriend isn't around but their phone is, do you look through it?
I made that mistake once and from now on in, I'd rather NOT know.

What if they went through yours?
I'm a pretty open person. There was once a couple texts that were questionable, but we weren't officially dating or anything.

I bet you miss someone?
I do miss lots of people. Sometimes life happens though and people grow apart.

Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Kind of... maybe :) Texas makes me smile!

Do you believe there is one right person for you out there in the world?
At LEAST one right person. Actually, I believe that there is one PERFECT person for you and a few other people whow definitely fit the description of Mr. Right.

When you're sick or sad, do you want to be alone or do you want someone?
I want someone there for me...but I don't want them being annoying.

Last time you talked on the phone?
Tonight, a few hours ago.

How long where you on the phone for?
Five minutes maybe.

What would you do if someone called you handsome/beautiful?
Say thanks and blush

Did you know that you can't kill yourself by holding your breath?
Hmmmm, let me try!

What is something that you realized today?
Simple things make me happy and I love it!

Who was the first person you talked to today?
I don't know...Sam, maybe?

Do you smoke weed everyday?
Negative. I haven't done drugs in a VERY long time.

Who is your favorite person to talk to when you’re down?
Nikki, she understands me way too well.

Do you miss the way things used to be?
At times. I miss being young and stupid. I didn't give a damn about what someone thought of me. If people had an insult to throw at me, I had 3 more to throw back at them. I was fun, not shy in any way and everyday was a new experience.

Are you a patient person?
I try and be but sometimes I get too excited or on the flip side, too freaking bored.

How's your heart lately?
Good, but slightly torn.

When was the last time you cried?
A couple Saturday's ago.

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
Garage clothing.

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
My auntie Cindy, my friends.

Who is your last text from?
Hell if I know.

What were you doing at 8 this morning?
Sleeping...I was on my 5th hour of sleep to be exact.

What's the last thing you bought?
I did a lot of shopping today...but to get technical... a pack of smokes from 7-11

Last person you gave a hug to (not family)?

What do you hear right now?
Gone Country - Alan Jackson

Where's your phone right now?
My bedroom... or something.

How are you feeling?
Tired and bored and restless.

Think of the last time you were REALLY angry when was it?
Yesterday... kind of, I guess. My memory SUCKS apparently.

Name something you are doing tonight?
It's 1:30am, I'm not doing ANYTHING.

Will tomorrow be better than today?
Hopefully, I want to be productive tomorrow. Gym. Haircut. Pack...etc

Honestly has anyone ever seen you in your underwear?

Who else is in the room with you?
No one, I'm by myself just hangin' out

How is your hair right now?
Crazy, I let it dry when I got out of the shower

Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?
Fuck. No.

What did you do today?
Went shopping, walked my dog, that's it pretty much.

Did you speak to your mother today?
Sure did. I showed her the pretty bathing suit I bought!

Is it easy to make you cry?

Have you told anybody you loved them today?
No, I haven't... I don't think so anyways. Maybe Sam or Megan but that's it.

Do you take walks often?
I walk my dog every single day <3

Who was the last person you took a picture with?

Who was the last person you talked to last night before you fell asleep?
That is a secretttt :)

Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?
No, I would kill people that called me in the middle of the night.

Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Not a best friend, but a lot of really amazing good friends.

Is your bedroom window open?

What a weird freaking way to end this survey thing! Hmmm, so weird.

I'm tired. Must sleep, I think. That way, tomorrow I can be productive.

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My Reads!!!

  • Lords of the Underworld(Adult Romance 18+)
  • Black Dagger Brotherhood Series(Adult Romance 18+)
  • Twilight Saga