Saturday, September 26, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I should be in jail...?
Bold the ones you've done...
1. smoked
2. consumed alcohol
3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
5. kissed someone of the same sex
6. had sex
7. had someone in your room other than family
8. watched porn
9. bought porn
10. done drugs
1. taken painkillers
2. taken someone else's prescription medicine
3. lied to your parents
4. lied to a friend
5. snuck out of the house
6. done something illegal
7. cut yourself
8. hurt someone
9. wished someone to die
10. seen someone die
1. missed curfew
2. stayed out all night
3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
4. been to a therapist
5. been to rehab
6. dyed your hair
7. received a ticket
8. been in an accident
9. been to a club
10. been to a bar
1. been to a wild party
2. been to a Mardi Gras parade
3. drank more than four beers in a night
4. had a spring break in Florida
5. sniffed anything
6. wore black nail polish
7. wore arm bands
8. wore t-shirts with band names
9. listened to rap
10. owned a 50 Cent CD
1. dressed Gothic
2. dressed prep
3. dressed punk
4. dressed grunge
5. stole something
6. been too drunk to remember anything
7. blacked out
8. fainted
9. had a crush on a neighbor
1. snuck into someone else's room
2. had a crush on your friend
3. been to a concert
4. dry-humped someone
5. been called a slut
6. called someone a slut
7. installed speakers in your car
8. broken a mirror
9. showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
10. brushed your teeth with somone elses toothbrush
1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper
2. seen an R-rated movie in theater
3. cruised the mall
4. skipped school
5. had surgery
6. had an injury
7. gone to court
8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping
9. caught something on fire
10. lied about your age
1. owned/rented an apartment
2. broke the law in the police's presence
3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf
4. got in trouble with the police
5. talked to a stranger
6. hugged a stranger
7. kissed a stranger
8. rode in the car with a stranger
9. been harassed
10. been verbally harassed
1. met face-to-face with someone you met online
2. stayed online for 5 hours straight.
3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight
4. watched TV for 5 hours straight
5. been to a fair
6. been called a bad influence
7. drink and drive
8. prank-called someone
9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex
10. cheated on a test
My Grand Total: 61
Grand Total: -If You Have Less Then 10.. write [im a Goody Goody]
-If You Have More Then 10.. write [im still a goody goody]
-If You Have more Then 20..write [im average]
-If You Have More Then 30..write [im a bad kid]
-If You have more then 40..write [im a very bad influence]
-If You Have more then 50..write [im a horrible person]
-If You Have more then 60..write [ i should be in jail ]
-If You Have more then 70..write [im going to hell]
-If You Have more then 80..write [something is fucking wrong]
1. smoked
2. consumed alcohol
3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
5. kissed someone of the same sex
6. had sex
7. had someone in your room other than family
8. watched porn
9. bought porn
10. done drugs
1. taken painkillers
2. taken someone else's prescription medicine
3. lied to your parents
4. lied to a friend
5. snuck out of the house
6. done something illegal
7. cut yourself
8. hurt someone
9. wished someone to die
10. seen someone die
1. missed curfew
2. stayed out all night
3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
4. been to a therapist
5. been to rehab
6. dyed your hair
7. received a ticket
8. been in an accident
9. been to a club
10. been to a bar
1. been to a wild party
2. been to a Mardi Gras parade
3. drank more than four beers in a night
4. had a spring break in Florida
5. sniffed anything
6. wore black nail polish
7. wore arm bands
8. wore t-shirts with band names
9. listened to rap
10. owned a 50 Cent CD
1. dressed Gothic
2. dressed prep
3. dressed punk
4. dressed grunge
5. stole something
6. been too drunk to remember anything
7. blacked out
8. fainted
9. had a crush on a neighbor
1. snuck into someone else's room
2. had a crush on your friend
3. been to a concert
4. dry-humped someone
5. been called a slut
6. called someone a slut
7. installed speakers in your car
8. broken a mirror
9. showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
10. brushed your teeth with somone elses toothbrush
1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper
2. seen an R-rated movie in theater
3. cruised the mall
4. skipped school
5. had surgery
6. had an injury
7. gone to court
8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping
9. caught something on fire
10. lied about your age
1. owned/rented an apartment
2. broke the law in the police's presence
3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf
4. got in trouble with the police
5. talked to a stranger
6. hugged a stranger
7. kissed a stranger
8. rode in the car with a stranger
9. been harassed
10. been verbally harassed
1. met face-to-face with someone you met online
2. stayed online for 5 hours straight.
3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight
4. watched TV for 5 hours straight
5. been to a fair
6. been called a bad influence
7. drink and drive
8. prank-called someone
9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex
10. cheated on a test
My Grand Total: 61
Grand Total: -If You Have Less Then 10.. write [im a Goody Goody]
-If You Have More Then 10.. write [im still a goody goody]
-If You Have more Then 20..write [im average]
-If You Have More Then 30..write [im a bad kid]
-If You have more then 40..write [im a very bad influence]
-If You Have more then 50..write [im a horrible person]
-If You Have more then 60..write [ i should be in jail ]
-If You Have more then 70..write [im going to hell]
-If You Have more then 80..write [something is fucking wrong]
Monday, August 10, 2009
4 days? AHAHAHAH.
1.. Where is the boy you like now?
Pffft, I don't like boys, so to speak. They're complicated individuals.
2. What were you doing Friday night?
Watching G.I. Joe with Nikki!
3. Name something you did yesterday?
Ummmm, does watching G.I. Jane count? I also made dinner (fajita's), did a little writing, read a bit...the usual.
4. Last person you text messaged?
Nikki G.
5. Who was the last person to call you?
I have no idea since I can't afford caller I.D. (not kidding)
6. What are you doing right now?
Watching Men In Black, filling this thing out, willing Megan to blog with my Jedi mind power.
7. Next time you travel out of the country where will it be to?
I'm going to CALIFORNIA and MEXICO... Cruise and SoCal with the family (plus Alex and Rob) and SAN DIEGO (which I know, it's still in California, but it deserves its own spot), to visit MEGANNNNN.
8. What color are your eyes?
9. Are you allergic to anything?
Cats, some detergents, caffeine...spring time haha
10. Are you dating the last person you kissed?
11. Last place you ordered food from
The casino...haha
12. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
13. What color is your hair?
Brown and pink!
14. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
As a really, really small kid, it was classic rock. Platinum Blonde, Kiss, Aerosmith. When I was around 6 or 7, I discovered country music - Garth, Alan, etc. When I got to the age of 10, it was all boy bands and girl stuff.
15. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Ummm, maybe. That's up in the air.
16. Who knows a secret or two about you?
Megan, Sam, Nikki and Kaelie.
17. When was the last time you lied?
Probably sometime within the last two weeks. I have no idea.
18. Do you like fire?
I don't understand this question? It keeps me warm and makes my marshmallows yummy when I go camping!
19. Did you have a nap today?
No napping for me.
20. What is your favorite drink?
Ummm, water (goes with anything), Belini's, I've really taken a liking to peach bacardi and peach iced tea...Mmmmm.
21. What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
Forever and a half it was sweats(yoga pants), but lately its been jeans
25. Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing now?
Megan made the design and then it was ordered off cafepress...wait, Megan, did I ever pay you for this shirt or I buy it myself?
26. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Of course, I still wouldn't mind teaching drama and english!
28. Is anyone jealous of you?
Not that I know of... hmmm, I wonder.
30. Have any regrets?
I try not to, but every once in a while, I'll think of something from the past and contemplate it.
31. Where were you 1 hour ago?
Walking my dog
32. Where were you 8 hours ago?
In my bed, reading a book.
35. Has anyone ever told you that they like you more than as a friend?
Yep, and it has always turned out awkward.
34. Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
My parents!
39. What are you looking forward to next?
Watching the Time Traveler's Wife and going on vacation!
41. Have you kissed anyone in the past week?
43. What are you listening to?
One Moment More - Mindy Smith (I'm addicted).
45. Favorite Sports Team?
Calgary Flames, obviously.
46. What song do you want played at your funeral?
This is a morbid song, but I want whatever song reminds my closest friends and family of me!
47. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
Laying in bed, reading, computer, tv.
48. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
What the fuck am I going to do today...I wonder if any potential jobs will call me back today???
49. Who will you be with this Saturday night?
I dunno, I don't plan that far in advance.
50. What woke you up this morning?
My dog, sleeping above me and stealing all of my one million pillows.
52. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Hopefully, it's my dad's birthday.
53. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
No. =(
55. How many myspace accounts do you have?
One. Which I NEVER use.
56. Do or did you like school?
I liked school for the most part...high school was the most enjoyable.
56. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
Yea, a select few people.
57. Where would you like to live?
Anywhere but here. Europe would be awesome but I'm planning for the U.S. - it would still be close enough to see my family.
58. Do long distance relationships work?
Generally speaking, not particularly, but there is ALWAYS that exception.
59. Does your crush like you?
I have no idea... guys are difficult to read.
60. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Living elsewhere, hopefully done with school and in a serious relationship.
61. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?
Yep, Alex told me he'd never kiss me again though...so that thought ended pretty fast.
62. Does a kiss make your cuts feel better?
Coming from the right person...of course. The whole butterfly feeling takes over and you forget about your cut.
63. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
Yes, I'm not a good drunk at times...no denying it.
64. Can you cook?
Certain things yea...I'm a better baker. I'm learning though.
65. What shoe do you put on first, left or right?
Left...usually, I think. I have no idea. Piss.
66. Have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower?
That sounds complicating...so no.
67. Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time?
What the fuck? I can barely handle one boyfriend at a time...let alone 3. CRAZY TALK, I tell ya.
68. Have you ever thought about your death?
Eeeee, yea. I hope it doesn't happen for a very, very, very long time.
69. Whats your hair color?
Brown with some pink!
70. Where do you put your towel after taking a shower?
Anywhere and everywhere. Generally on the floor in either the bathroom or my bedroom.
71. What color is your shower curtain?
It's a clearish colour with lots of colorful square boxes. Trendy, no?
72. Have you ever had stitches?
Yep, above my eye when I was like...two.
73. Are you straight?
As a board.
74. Did you believe that boys have cooties?
Ummmm, I don't remember. I just know that one day I didn't give two thoughts about them and the next day I was like "hi, boys!"
75. Do you know how to use chop sticks?
I like to think I know how to use them, but in reality, when I use chop sticks in public, people laugh at me.
76. Can you finish the phrase, “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”
Spongebob Squarepants... how original.
78. Do you sometimes believe that guys have PMS?
Okay, before I answer this, I stold this quiz thingy from a friend and her answer was HILARIOUS...something about "guys do have pms, they're just lucky they don't bleed out of their dinks once a month..." The she proceeded to say she was going to kick a guy in the dink once a month just so that he would feel the same pain we felt. I don't think I can top her answer. Yes, guys do have PMS... I don't know what it's related to, but it's there!
79. Who was the last person you couldn’t take your eyes off of?
Ummm, secret!
80. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
Yes, I'm so bad for it.
81. Have you ever run over an animal?
Ummm. I ran over a kitten, with my foot. Tragic story, lets not go there.
82. What is your favorite cereal?
Froot Loops! YESSSSSS.
83. Have you ever had an Oreo with peanut butter?
Ummm. FUCK. NO! I hate Oreo's and I hate peanut butter so WHY...WHY would I put those two things together?
84. Have you gotten a text today?
No, the day just started two hours ago.
85. Do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced?
I think it's weird but I know a couple straight guys that have it and I'm pretty used to it.
86. Where’s your favorite place to be?
Anywhere but here. So cliche, but it's true.
88. It’s Wednesday afternoon, where are you usually?
A month ago. I would have been faithfully at work....now, you can usually find me still in bed or if I'm feeling ambitious, at the gym.
89. Who are the last four people to send you a text message?
My phone is too far but I think they consist of either Megan, Sam, Nikki, Alex, Warren or Jasmine...one of the six.
91. What are you listening to?
Five Finger Death Punch - I know, this sounds like a horribly morbid metalcore band or something but it's actually not too bad.
92. Your Christmas list consists of?
Travel money, things I can't have because they cost too much money.
93. Your ex just asked you out and you say?
Not right now... lets talk and hang out and see where things out. No strings attached because I can't handle a relationship right now.
94. You’re going to New York for school shopping, where do you go first?
I don't know...I'm cheap so probably Wal-Mart or something inexpensive.
95. You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
Guess has good jeans, so does Warehouse One.
96. How do you feel about your hair?
If it was 5 inches longer, I'd be in love with my hair. I like my hair as it is, but I just want it slightly longer!
97. What time do you wake up for school?
School? Wut?
98. What movie is in your DVD player?
The Notebook <3
99. Last two names in your phone number?
No x, y or z...what? I don't know a Zach or a Zane or a....???
100. Who calls you by a nickname?
Pretty much everyone I know. I rarely get called Jessica.
101. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
The right generally...pretty much with anyone I share a bed with...except at TwiCon, I was all fucked up because Megan claimed the right side, it was weird.
102. Do you like roller coasters?
Sure do... although the older I get, the more "scarier" they seem.
103. Favorite T.V. show?
One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl...and a million others.
104. Your last IM was from?
Ummmm... Sam, maybe?
106. When’s the next time you’ll kiss someone of the opposite sex?
Hmmm, that's a very good question. I don't foresee kissing anyone anytime soon so unless it's on a whim, then probably not for a while.
107. What do your pants look like?
Jeans, a lighter fade.
108. Are you tired?
No, not really...but I am yawning as I type this so you never know.
109. Do you have to pee?
I don't think so...what is with these questions?
110. Would you kiss the cook of tonights dinner?
Ummm, no. It's my dad's birthday and we're going to a restaurant.
111. Laugh much?
Of course...I was watching iCarly (I have no idea why for), at like 4am yesterday and just LAUGHING my ass off all by myself...then I realized that I have really stooped to a new low.
112. What are your plans for Saturday?
Repetitive questions much? GARRRRR.
114. Favorite sit down restaurant?
Moxies, Boston Pizza ummm...
115. Bubble gum flavor of choice?
Juicy Fruit - the original kind, yum!
116. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I dunno, that is SO up in the air...I want to be happy most of all.
117. The most excitement you had this week?
Ummmm, haha. I forget, this week has been boring! Wait, I know, booking my plane ticket to SAN DIEGO. 20 daysssss!
118. What do you usually order at Taco Bell?
I don't like Taco Bell but if I ever eat it, I just get a soft taco with cheese, meat, lettuce and tomatos.
119. Have you ever sat all the way through Gone With the Wind?
No. Slept through it and studied it, yes. Actually seen the entire thing...noooooo.
120. When was the last time you were up all night?
Like, last night. I stay up allllll night, all the time. I'm good at functioning off of 3 hours of sleep.
121. Where is your favorite place?
Anywhere that's a good time! As of late, Forks, Vegas, Texas, etc...OH, and my bed. Can't forget that. I live in my bed so I must like it some!
122. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline?
123. Do you sleep with a fan on?
No. I sometimes sleep with my window open but that's about it.
124. What’s the best thing about winter?
Cute scarves and coats and sweaters! Going to the mountains, and CHRISTMAS. Oh man, I love winter.
125. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
A lot of the time. That's generally because I have some rude thoughts going through my head that aren't meant for anyone else's ears. If it's important or crosses my mind more than once, than I pipe up.
126. How many states have you been to?
11. I'd like to see as many states as possible.
127. Are you currently planning a trip?
Heck YES! SD+Mexico+DL+USH in 20 days! After that, it's dependent on how much money I have. I am for sure going to go to either the U.K. or a road trip with Megan. Whatever I do, it'll be EPICCCC.
128. Who was the last person you read something out loud to?
Hmmmmm... ummm, probably Sam, reading something from the computer.
129. Last time you forced yourself to do something
Today, I'm gonna force myself to the gym haha.
130. Have you ever googled your name and found somebody?
Yep, my name is soooooooooo common though.
140. When will you see the person you like?
I don't like anyone therefore I have no idea. =(
141. Can you drive?
Sure can...ish haha.
142. What makes you feel like you are young again?
Doing spontaneous things.
143. Do you ever type “kik” or “;p’;” instead of “lol”?
YES AHAHAHAH, so annoying.
144. Do you know how to play chess?
No but I'd like to learn. TEACH ME.
145. Whats on your mind right now?
I need to go to the gym, and clean and write and pack and blahhhh.
146. Can you count to 1000?
OF COURSE! But why would I want to? That would take quite a while of my time.
147. Who is the last person you kissed?
Haha, ummmmmmmm? That person that randomly kissed me while camping, I guess.
148. What kind of cell phone do you have?
Piece of shit iPhone. Biggest regret ever.
149. How many times have you kissed the person you like?
Like I said, I don't like anyone so therefore, ZERO times.
Pffft, I don't like boys, so to speak. They're complicated individuals.
2. What were you doing Friday night?
Watching G.I. Joe with Nikki!
3. Name something you did yesterday?
Ummmm, does watching G.I. Jane count? I also made dinner (fajita's), did a little writing, read a bit...the usual.
4. Last person you text messaged?
Nikki G.
5. Who was the last person to call you?
I have no idea since I can't afford caller I.D. (not kidding)
6. What are you doing right now?
Watching Men In Black, filling this thing out, willing Megan to blog with my Jedi mind power.
7. Next time you travel out of the country where will it be to?
I'm going to CALIFORNIA and MEXICO... Cruise and SoCal with the family (plus Alex and Rob) and SAN DIEGO (which I know, it's still in California, but it deserves its own spot), to visit MEGANNNNN.
8. What color are your eyes?
9. Are you allergic to anything?
Cats, some detergents, caffeine...spring time haha
10. Are you dating the last person you kissed?
11. Last place you ordered food from
The casino...haha
12. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
13. What color is your hair?
Brown and pink!
14. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
As a really, really small kid, it was classic rock. Platinum Blonde, Kiss, Aerosmith. When I was around 6 or 7, I discovered country music - Garth, Alan, etc. When I got to the age of 10, it was all boy bands and girl stuff.
15. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Ummm, maybe. That's up in the air.
16. Who knows a secret or two about you?
Megan, Sam, Nikki and Kaelie.
17. When was the last time you lied?
Probably sometime within the last two weeks. I have no idea.
18. Do you like fire?
I don't understand this question? It keeps me warm and makes my marshmallows yummy when I go camping!
19. Did you have a nap today?
No napping for me.
20. What is your favorite drink?
Ummm, water (goes with anything), Belini's, I've really taken a liking to peach bacardi and peach iced tea...Mmmmm.
21. What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
Forever and a half it was sweats(yoga pants), but lately its been jeans
25. Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing now?
Megan made the design and then it was ordered off cafepress...wait, Megan, did I ever pay you for this shirt or I buy it myself?
26. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Of course, I still wouldn't mind teaching drama and english!
28. Is anyone jealous of you?
Not that I know of... hmmm, I wonder.
30. Have any regrets?
I try not to, but every once in a while, I'll think of something from the past and contemplate it.
31. Where were you 1 hour ago?
Walking my dog
32. Where were you 8 hours ago?
In my bed, reading a book.
35. Has anyone ever told you that they like you more than as a friend?
Yep, and it has always turned out awkward.
34. Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
My parents!
39. What are you looking forward to next?
Watching the Time Traveler's Wife and going on vacation!
41. Have you kissed anyone in the past week?
43. What are you listening to?
One Moment More - Mindy Smith (I'm addicted).
45. Favorite Sports Team?
Calgary Flames, obviously.
46. What song do you want played at your funeral?
This is a morbid song, but I want whatever song reminds my closest friends and family of me!
47. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
Laying in bed, reading, computer, tv.
48. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
What the fuck am I going to do today...I wonder if any potential jobs will call me back today???
49. Who will you be with this Saturday night?
I dunno, I don't plan that far in advance.
50. What woke you up this morning?
My dog, sleeping above me and stealing all of my one million pillows.
52. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Hopefully, it's my dad's birthday.
53. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
No. =(
55. How many myspace accounts do you have?
One. Which I NEVER use.
56. Do or did you like school?
I liked school for the most part...high school was the most enjoyable.
56. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
Yea, a select few people.
57. Where would you like to live?
Anywhere but here. Europe would be awesome but I'm planning for the U.S. - it would still be close enough to see my family.
58. Do long distance relationships work?
Generally speaking, not particularly, but there is ALWAYS that exception.
59. Does your crush like you?
I have no idea... guys are difficult to read.
60. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Living elsewhere, hopefully done with school and in a serious relationship.
61. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?
Yep, Alex told me he'd never kiss me again though...so that thought ended pretty fast.
62. Does a kiss make your cuts feel better?
Coming from the right person...of course. The whole butterfly feeling takes over and you forget about your cut.
63. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
Yes, I'm not a good drunk at times...no denying it.
64. Can you cook?
Certain things yea...I'm a better baker. I'm learning though.
65. What shoe do you put on first, left or right?
Left...usually, I think. I have no idea. Piss.
66. Have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower?
That sounds complicating...so no.
67. Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time?
What the fuck? I can barely handle one boyfriend at a time...let alone 3. CRAZY TALK, I tell ya.
68. Have you ever thought about your death?
Eeeee, yea. I hope it doesn't happen for a very, very, very long time.
69. Whats your hair color?
Brown with some pink!
70. Where do you put your towel after taking a shower?
Anywhere and everywhere. Generally on the floor in either the bathroom or my bedroom.
71. What color is your shower curtain?
It's a clearish colour with lots of colorful square boxes. Trendy, no?
72. Have you ever had stitches?
Yep, above my eye when I was like...two.
73. Are you straight?
As a board.
74. Did you believe that boys have cooties?
Ummmm, I don't remember. I just know that one day I didn't give two thoughts about them and the next day I was like "hi, boys!"
75. Do you know how to use chop sticks?
I like to think I know how to use them, but in reality, when I use chop sticks in public, people laugh at me.
76. Can you finish the phrase, “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”
Spongebob Squarepants... how original.
78. Do you sometimes believe that guys have PMS?
Okay, before I answer this, I stold this quiz thingy from a friend and her answer was HILARIOUS...something about "guys do have pms, they're just lucky they don't bleed out of their dinks once a month..." The she proceeded to say she was going to kick a guy in the dink once a month just so that he would feel the same pain we felt. I don't think I can top her answer. Yes, guys do have PMS... I don't know what it's related to, but it's there!
79. Who was the last person you couldn’t take your eyes off of?
Ummm, secret!
80. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
Yes, I'm so bad for it.
81. Have you ever run over an animal?
Ummm. I ran over a kitten, with my foot. Tragic story, lets not go there.
82. What is your favorite cereal?
Froot Loops! YESSSSSS.
83. Have you ever had an Oreo with peanut butter?
Ummm. FUCK. NO! I hate Oreo's and I hate peanut butter so WHY...WHY would I put those two things together?
84. Have you gotten a text today?
No, the day just started two hours ago.
85. Do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced?
I think it's weird but I know a couple straight guys that have it and I'm pretty used to it.
86. Where’s your favorite place to be?
Anywhere but here. So cliche, but it's true.
88. It’s Wednesday afternoon, where are you usually?
A month ago. I would have been faithfully at work....now, you can usually find me still in bed or if I'm feeling ambitious, at the gym.
89. Who are the last four people to send you a text message?
My phone is too far but I think they consist of either Megan, Sam, Nikki, Alex, Warren or Jasmine...one of the six.
91. What are you listening to?
Five Finger Death Punch - I know, this sounds like a horribly morbid metalcore band or something but it's actually not too bad.
92. Your Christmas list consists of?
Travel money, things I can't have because they cost too much money.
93. Your ex just asked you out and you say?
Not right now... lets talk and hang out and see where things out. No strings attached because I can't handle a relationship right now.
94. You’re going to New York for school shopping, where do you go first?
I don't know...I'm cheap so probably Wal-Mart or something inexpensive.
95. You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
Guess has good jeans, so does Warehouse One.
96. How do you feel about your hair?
If it was 5 inches longer, I'd be in love with my hair. I like my hair as it is, but I just want it slightly longer!
97. What time do you wake up for school?
School? Wut?
98. What movie is in your DVD player?
The Notebook <3
99. Last two names in your phone number?
No x, y or z...what? I don't know a Zach or a Zane or a....???
100. Who calls you by a nickname?
Pretty much everyone I know. I rarely get called Jessica.
101. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
The right generally...pretty much with anyone I share a bed with...except at TwiCon, I was all fucked up because Megan claimed the right side, it was weird.
102. Do you like roller coasters?
Sure do... although the older I get, the more "scarier" they seem.
103. Favorite T.V. show?
One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl...and a million others.
104. Your last IM was from?
Ummmm... Sam, maybe?
106. When’s the next time you’ll kiss someone of the opposite sex?
Hmmm, that's a very good question. I don't foresee kissing anyone anytime soon so unless it's on a whim, then probably not for a while.
107. What do your pants look like?
Jeans, a lighter fade.
108. Are you tired?
No, not really...but I am yawning as I type this so you never know.
109. Do you have to pee?
I don't think so...what is with these questions?
110. Would you kiss the cook of tonights dinner?
Ummm, no. It's my dad's birthday and we're going to a restaurant.
111. Laugh much?
Of course...I was watching iCarly (I have no idea why for), at like 4am yesterday and just LAUGHING my ass off all by myself...then I realized that I have really stooped to a new low.
112. What are your plans for Saturday?
Repetitive questions much? GARRRRR.
114. Favorite sit down restaurant?
Moxies, Boston Pizza ummm...
115. Bubble gum flavor of choice?
Juicy Fruit - the original kind, yum!
116. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I dunno, that is SO up in the air...I want to be happy most of all.
117. The most excitement you had this week?
Ummmm, haha. I forget, this week has been boring! Wait, I know, booking my plane ticket to SAN DIEGO. 20 daysssss!
118. What do you usually order at Taco Bell?
I don't like Taco Bell but if I ever eat it, I just get a soft taco with cheese, meat, lettuce and tomatos.
119. Have you ever sat all the way through Gone With the Wind?
No. Slept through it and studied it, yes. Actually seen the entire thing...noooooo.
120. When was the last time you were up all night?
Like, last night. I stay up allllll night, all the time. I'm good at functioning off of 3 hours of sleep.
121. Where is your favorite place?
Anywhere that's a good time! As of late, Forks, Vegas, Texas, etc...OH, and my bed. Can't forget that. I live in my bed so I must like it some!
122. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline?
123. Do you sleep with a fan on?
No. I sometimes sleep with my window open but that's about it.
124. What’s the best thing about winter?
Cute scarves and coats and sweaters! Going to the mountains, and CHRISTMAS. Oh man, I love winter.
125. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
A lot of the time. That's generally because I have some rude thoughts going through my head that aren't meant for anyone else's ears. If it's important or crosses my mind more than once, than I pipe up.
126. How many states have you been to?
11. I'd like to see as many states as possible.
127. Are you currently planning a trip?
Heck YES! SD+Mexico+DL+USH in 20 days! After that, it's dependent on how much money I have. I am for sure going to go to either the U.K. or a road trip with Megan. Whatever I do, it'll be EPICCCC.
128. Who was the last person you read something out loud to?
Hmmmmm... ummm, probably Sam, reading something from the computer.
129. Last time you forced yourself to do something
Today, I'm gonna force myself to the gym haha.
130. Have you ever googled your name and found somebody?
Yep, my name is soooooooooo common though.
140. When will you see the person you like?
I don't like anyone therefore I have no idea. =(
141. Can you drive?
Sure can...ish haha.
142. What makes you feel like you are young again?
Doing spontaneous things.
143. Do you ever type “kik” or “;p’;” instead of “lol”?
YES AHAHAHAH, so annoying.
144. Do you know how to play chess?
No but I'd like to learn. TEACH ME.
145. Whats on your mind right now?
I need to go to the gym, and clean and write and pack and blahhhh.
146. Can you count to 1000?
OF COURSE! But why would I want to? That would take quite a while of my time.
147. Who is the last person you kissed?
Haha, ummmmmmmm? That person that randomly kissed me while camping, I guess.
148. What kind of cell phone do you have?
Piece of shit iPhone. Biggest regret ever.
149. How many times have you kissed the person you like?
Like I said, I don't like anyone so therefore, ZERO times.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I'll Be Seeing You.
Good morning world!
Someone in the distance is shouting "posting again already, are we?" Why yes, yes I am. I'm documenting my horribly boring existance way more now than I ever did when I had a life.
First off, I totally had a chick fest last night. I already said I watched Made of Honor...what came after that?
-Made of Honor
-Bridget Jones Diary
-Sense and Sensibility
-The Man In The Iron Mask
Yea, it was a GUUUUUUD night! On top of that, yesterday morning I woke up to "Who's Your Caddy" on my tv. It's not good to wake up to Cam Gigandet...I mean, it's fine... but really, I get disoriented.
So last night I started a post (one day I might complete it) and it was a list of words and or sentences that I considered to be a buzz kill. You know, something that escapes a guys mouth and then you just pack up and walk way.
-My momma says
-Skinny Jeans
-Guy Liner
-My Girlfriend
-Significant other
-That romantic comedy that I watched last night...
The list goes on, but you get my point. I wish I had some sort of recording device so that I could document the amount of buzzkills that come out of every guys mouth.
I want food
I want to write
My mom doesn't sound too happy with me this morning. I have yet to unpack my suitcases...suitcases that have STUPID amounts of shit in them. On top of that, they're stationed in the spare room and I've already tore through them, so the entire room is full of clothes and dumb shit.
Okay, yea I know, short blog, but really, nothing interesting has really happened from last nights post to right now. PLUS, food calls to me!
What, this song fits so perfect. Now I feel the need to go and watch the Notebook, especially since The Time Traveler's Wife comes out on Friday. GAHHHHHH. <3
Someone in the distance is shouting "posting again already, are we?" Why yes, yes I am. I'm documenting my horribly boring existance way more now than I ever did when I had a life.
First off, I totally had a chick fest last night. I already said I watched Made of Honor...what came after that?
-Made of Honor
-Bridget Jones Diary
-Sense and Sensibility
-The Man In The Iron Mask
Yea, it was a GUUUUUUD night! On top of that, yesterday morning I woke up to "Who's Your Caddy" on my tv. It's not good to wake up to Cam Gigandet...I mean, it's fine... but really, I get disoriented.
So last night I started a post (one day I might complete it) and it was a list of words and or sentences that I considered to be a buzz kill. You know, something that escapes a guys mouth and then you just pack up and walk way.
-My momma says
-Skinny Jeans
-Guy Liner
-My Girlfriend
-Significant other
-That romantic comedy that I watched last night...
The list goes on, but you get my point. I wish I had some sort of recording device so that I could document the amount of buzzkills that come out of every guys mouth.
I want food
I want to write
My mom doesn't sound too happy with me this morning. I have yet to unpack my suitcases...suitcases that have STUPID amounts of shit in them. On top of that, they're stationed in the spare room and I've already tore through them, so the entire room is full of clothes and dumb shit.
Okay, yea I know, short blog, but really, nothing interesting has really happened from last nights post to right now. PLUS, food calls to me!
What, this song fits so perfect. Now I feel the need to go and watch the Notebook, especially since The Time Traveler's Wife comes out on Friday. GAHHHHHH. <3
Saturday, August 8, 2009
It`s Just Enough To Steal My Heart And Run
Well, that about sums it up.
What the hell did I do today? NOTHING, absolutely nothing. I had a very restless sleep and when I finally decided to wake up at around 11, nothing spectacular happened. Got on the computer, walked aimlessly around my house and then finished off my book - The Doomsday Key. My afternoon was relatively productive. Ended up conversing with Megan (whom I feel the need to call @exot3ch - thanks Twitter), and working on the outline of our STORYSTORYSTORY. Now hopefully we can write more freely!
After that I napped, yea because I have nothing better to do. This evening I found myself eating dinner (carrots and dip), watching Made of Honor and reading "Love the One You're With."
I'm just sayin' right now....why the hell do I delve into the whole romantic thing every once in a while. I'm perfectly content not having it in my life and then I just go on these giant kicks. Then it depresses me...not because I want a boyfriend or anything, but because I realize that I look like one of those sad, pathetic girls in the movies who sits in front of the tv all night, being all mopey while eating a tube of ice cream. However, no tube of ice cream for me...just the 100 calorie Rolo ice cream bars from my freezer...sooooooo good!
After I finish this blog, I'll resume that spot in front of the tv, with my blanket and book. I really...HAVE NO LIFE. I can't get over that fact. I'm hording my money for my vacation and any emergency that might arise. I use the word arise since Megan and I discussed it today and it has stuck with me.
I think I would like some romance in my life though. Not because I want and or need a guy calling me cute and taking me out to dinner, but because, I then have a reason to shave my legs. How sad is that? I won't shave my legs because I have no one to impress....oh man. At this point I'll settle for a job, any excuse to find my feminine side.
I think what scares me the most is that I'm comfortable. I remember breaking up with Alex and I didn't think I'd ever be "ok" alone again. I thought I'd never get used to not having anyone to share a bed with or someone to say goodnight and good morning to. I just didn't think I'd be functional...even though everyone assured me that life does go on (which is by the way, the worst saying ever and I will never say that to any friend going through a breakup). Now, here I am, been officially out of a relationship for quite some time now, and I feel fine. It's actually kind of annoying. What's even more annoying is that I'm actually anti relationship at the moment. I'm enjoying the "single" life, I guess you'd say, even though lately I just replace the word "single" with "no." I just DON'T want to get to the point where I feel "lonely" and like I'll never find love again. I mean, don't get me wrong, we all have those "lonely" days, but you know what I mean. I'm a person who is scared of the unfamiliar and in a lot of scenarios, I'll admit defeat before I've even attempted. I know, it's pathetic...and I said A LOT OF, not ALL.
I'm rambling... look it, read a chick lit and watch a romantic comedy and look what happens. I'm so lame.
I'm sad that my favourite people have to live so far and I'm hoping that in the distant future someone will be like "Jessica, I want to come to Canadaland and visit you!" Realistically, that someone has to be Megan *cough cough*. Seat sales from SD are stupidly cheap sometimes, plus she isn't tied down AND she has a passport. It's kind of meant to be.
Also, who loves Will Ferrell and FREEDOM FRIES? I sure friggin do.
I miss Forks...which I know I say way too often, but it's true. I don't know what it was about hanging out in a motel room full of spiders and other crawly insects, but something about that place was freaking magical. I'm chalking it up to a combination of being with Megan for a week, being located next to the bar and grocery store, being in a small town (I live for small towns), the ridiculously good looking Navy guys and the scenery.
Basically, I live for the simplicity that was that vacation. There were no places to be or people to see. We didn't have to dress to impress or work at finding fun and laughter. It all came so easily. It's not often that you can venture away from home and find happiness in a town of 3000 in a musty old motel room. It made for amazing memories.
I think that's what has sparked my interest in doing a road trip across North America. I mean, it's always been something that I've been interested in. A lot of my family has done stuff like that before, but now it's something I REALLY want to do! The idea of experiencing small town America really intrigues me. Not really knowing where you're gonna end up from day to day is kind of thrilling. Plus, it's awesome to see how the west differs from the east and the south and so on. planplanplan
I wish my stupid friends would blog. How can I stalk them if there is nothing to stalk? I live on Facebook/Twitter/Blogspot...hell, I even update my msn/skype frequently. Right now my skype status speaks of carrots on steroids. SO TRUE. I open the bag of carrots tonight and look inside and the front of the bag reads "baby carrots," but when you look inside, these things are larger than fingers. I also found two carrots melded together to form a very perfect "V." I automatically referenced Black Dagger Brotherhood.
I also JUST fucking discovered that my television has stop and start or whatever...Iunno what Americans call it - Tivo? DVR? Whatever it is, my tv has it too. I was at Sam's and absolutely STUNNED that she could rewind and all this cool stuff, then I realize MY TV DOES THAT TOO. I'm like "sweet, I can pause and go for a smoke, or to eat, or to pee." I think I felt how Christopher Columbus felt when he discovered North America.
I need to drink more watah
I need to exercise
I need to clean and pack
I need to unpack my suitcase
I need to buy 17 Again on Tuesday
I often replace all of those "needs" with "shoulds."
Is it just me or does anyone else think that I have the stupidest, most RANDOM blogs ever? I think if I tried to keep with one topic, I'd fail miserably. I'm looking at my night stand right now and it consists of vampire novels and European travel books. HOW WEIRD!...oh and Aquafina chapstick and a Blink 182 patch that I've had since I was like... 14.
I kind of think Jacob deserves a more prominent place in my room. His poor self, in the closet with the rest of my junk.
I think I should probably end this and go watch Sense and Sensibility! So excited that I finally own it on DVD. $5.00, thank you Target!
This song is really depressing but gorgeous, I don't know if I've already added it to my blog in the past... here it is, lyrics and all!
I felt the
Faint trace of thunder
Rattle this old house
I saw the fire light the sky
But there's no sign of rain anywhere
I need a hurricane
To empty out this place
Seems it's the only way
To salvage any sense I have left
To move on
I'm waiting
To hear your voice again
And lighten up this heart
I'm holding on to stupid memories
But I see you in every little thing
I need a hurricane
To straighted out this place
It maybe the only way
To salvage any sense I have left
To move on
I need a hurricane
To ravage through place
I think it's the only way
To salvage any sense
I have left
To move on
I felt the
Faint trace of thunder
But there's no sign of rain anywhere
No, there's no sign of you anywhere
Well, that about sums it up.
What the hell did I do today? NOTHING, absolutely nothing. I had a very restless sleep and when I finally decided to wake up at around 11, nothing spectacular happened. Got on the computer, walked aimlessly around my house and then finished off my book - The Doomsday Key. My afternoon was relatively productive. Ended up conversing with Megan (whom I feel the need to call @exot3ch - thanks Twitter), and working on the outline of our STORYSTORYSTORY. Now hopefully we can write more freely!
After that I napped, yea because I have nothing better to do. This evening I found myself eating dinner (carrots and dip), watching Made of Honor and reading "Love the One You're With."
I'm just sayin' right now....why the hell do I delve into the whole romantic thing every once in a while. I'm perfectly content not having it in my life and then I just go on these giant kicks. Then it depresses me...not because I want a boyfriend or anything, but because I realize that I look like one of those sad, pathetic girls in the movies who sits in front of the tv all night, being all mopey while eating a tube of ice cream. However, no tube of ice cream for me...just the 100 calorie Rolo ice cream bars from my freezer...sooooooo good!
After I finish this blog, I'll resume that spot in front of the tv, with my blanket and book. I really...HAVE NO LIFE. I can't get over that fact. I'm hording my money for my vacation and any emergency that might arise. I use the word arise since Megan and I discussed it today and it has stuck with me.
I think I would like some romance in my life though. Not because I want and or need a guy calling me cute and taking me out to dinner, but because, I then have a reason to shave my legs. How sad is that? I won't shave my legs because I have no one to impress....oh man. At this point I'll settle for a job, any excuse to find my feminine side.
I think what scares me the most is that I'm comfortable. I remember breaking up with Alex and I didn't think I'd ever be "ok" alone again. I thought I'd never get used to not having anyone to share a bed with or someone to say goodnight and good morning to. I just didn't think I'd be functional...even though everyone assured me that life does go on (which is by the way, the worst saying ever and I will never say that to any friend going through a breakup). Now, here I am, been officially out of a relationship for quite some time now, and I feel fine. It's actually kind of annoying. What's even more annoying is that I'm actually anti relationship at the moment. I'm enjoying the "single" life, I guess you'd say, even though lately I just replace the word "single" with "no." I just DON'T want to get to the point where I feel "lonely" and like I'll never find love again. I mean, don't get me wrong, we all have those "lonely" days, but you know what I mean. I'm a person who is scared of the unfamiliar and in a lot of scenarios, I'll admit defeat before I've even attempted. I know, it's pathetic...and I said A LOT OF, not ALL.
I'm rambling... look it, read a chick lit and watch a romantic comedy and look what happens. I'm so lame.
I'm sad that my favourite people have to live so far and I'm hoping that in the distant future someone will be like "Jessica, I want to come to Canadaland and visit you!" Realistically, that someone has to be Megan *cough cough*. Seat sales from SD are stupidly cheap sometimes, plus she isn't tied down AND she has a passport. It's kind of meant to be.
Also, who loves Will Ferrell and FREEDOM FRIES? I sure friggin do.
I miss Forks...which I know I say way too often, but it's true. I don't know what it was about hanging out in a motel room full of spiders and other crawly insects, but something about that place was freaking magical. I'm chalking it up to a combination of being with Megan for a week, being located next to the bar and grocery store, being in a small town (I live for small towns), the ridiculously good looking Navy guys and the scenery.
Basically, I live for the simplicity that was that vacation. There were no places to be or people to see. We didn't have to dress to impress or work at finding fun and laughter. It all came so easily. It's not often that you can venture away from home and find happiness in a town of 3000 in a musty old motel room. It made for amazing memories.
I think that's what has sparked my interest in doing a road trip across North America. I mean, it's always been something that I've been interested in. A lot of my family has done stuff like that before, but now it's something I REALLY want to do! The idea of experiencing small town America really intrigues me. Not really knowing where you're gonna end up from day to day is kind of thrilling. Plus, it's awesome to see how the west differs from the east and the south and so on. planplanplan
I wish my stupid friends would blog. How can I stalk them if there is nothing to stalk? I live on Facebook/Twitter/Blogspot...hell, I even update my msn/skype frequently. Right now my skype status speaks of carrots on steroids. SO TRUE. I open the bag of carrots tonight and look inside and the front of the bag reads "baby carrots," but when you look inside, these things are larger than fingers. I also found two carrots melded together to form a very perfect "V." I automatically referenced Black Dagger Brotherhood.
I also JUST fucking discovered that my television has stop and start or whatever...Iunno what Americans call it - Tivo? DVR? Whatever it is, my tv has it too. I was at Sam's and absolutely STUNNED that she could rewind and all this cool stuff, then I realize MY TV DOES THAT TOO. I'm like "sweet, I can pause and go for a smoke, or to eat, or to pee." I think I felt how Christopher Columbus felt when he discovered North America.
I need to drink more watah
I need to exercise
I need to clean and pack
I need to unpack my suitcase
I need to buy 17 Again on Tuesday
I often replace all of those "needs" with "shoulds."
Is it just me or does anyone else think that I have the stupidest, most RANDOM blogs ever? I think if I tried to keep with one topic, I'd fail miserably. I'm looking at my night stand right now and it consists of vampire novels and European travel books. HOW WEIRD!...oh and Aquafina chapstick and a Blink 182 patch that I've had since I was like... 14.
I kind of think Jacob deserves a more prominent place in my room. His poor self, in the closet with the rest of my junk.
I think I should probably end this and go watch Sense and Sensibility! So excited that I finally own it on DVD. $5.00, thank you Target!
This song is really depressing but gorgeous, I don't know if I've already added it to my blog in the past... here it is, lyrics and all!
I felt the
Faint trace of thunder
Rattle this old house
I saw the fire light the sky
But there's no sign of rain anywhere
I need a hurricane
To empty out this place
Seems it's the only way
To salvage any sense I have left
To move on
I'm waiting
To hear your voice again
And lighten up this heart
I'm holding on to stupid memories
But I see you in every little thing
I need a hurricane
To straighted out this place
It maybe the only way
To salvage any sense I have left
To move on
I need a hurricane
To ravage through place
I think it's the only way
To salvage any sense
I have left
To move on
I felt the
Faint trace of thunder
But there's no sign of rain anywhere
No, there's no sign of you anywhere
Friday, August 7, 2009
Who Counts Sheep These Days?
I think it's funny that this one person in particular rants on how she was treated by the cast... as if she was given some sort of VIP treatment? WTF, they're paid to be nice to you. The reason that I'm not nice to you is because I am not paid. If I was given thousands of dollars, I'd say whatever you wanted to hear too!
Moving on, I saw G.I. Joe tonight. I enjoyed it. There was a lot of different things happening during certain parts of the movie which kind of left my head spinning, but it's a simple movie and one that would entertain a family in general... I think anyways haha.
At this point in my life, if someone hires me, I think I'd be willing to pay THEM! I'm so desperate, this is my day:
11am - wake up, turn on computer, look around my room for an hour
12:30 - get out of bed, find clothes, go downstairs, look for food, realize there is no food, go for a smoke, head back to bed
1pm - Read and go on the computer for approx 30 minutes
4pm - wake up and realize I just wasted my entire afternoon
5pm - shower and smoke
6 - bedtime (12-6am ish) - read, smoke, computer, repeat
YES, MY LIFE IS GOING DOWNHILL. Everyday I'm like "my ass needs to see the gym...and everyday it doesn't happen.
If I had a life, I'd blog about it...butttt I don't. I'm so lazy, I won't even upload pictures. SO SAD!
I guess I should go rotate and maybe read for a bit. BLAH.
I'm outtie I-town (stands for internet town)
I think it's funny that this one person in particular rants on how she was treated by the cast... as if she was given some sort of VIP treatment? WTF, they're paid to be nice to you. The reason that I'm not nice to you is because I am not paid. If I was given thousands of dollars, I'd say whatever you wanted to hear too!
Moving on, I saw G.I. Joe tonight. I enjoyed it. There was a lot of different things happening during certain parts of the movie which kind of left my head spinning, but it's a simple movie and one that would entertain a family in general... I think anyways haha.
At this point in my life, if someone hires me, I think I'd be willing to pay THEM! I'm so desperate, this is my day:
11am - wake up, turn on computer, look around my room for an hour
12:30 - get out of bed, find clothes, go downstairs, look for food, realize there is no food, go for a smoke, head back to bed
1pm - Read and go on the computer for approx 30 minutes
4pm - wake up and realize I just wasted my entire afternoon
5pm - shower and smoke
6 - bedtime (12-6am ish) - read, smoke, computer, repeat
YES, MY LIFE IS GOING DOWNHILL. Everyday I'm like "my ass needs to see the gym...and everyday it doesn't happen.
If I had a life, I'd blog about it...butttt I don't. I'm so lazy, I won't even upload pictures. SO SAD!
I guess I should go rotate and maybe read for a bit. BLAH.
I'm outtie I-town (stands for internet town)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Not Like You Do.
TwiCon is over, Texas is over, meeting everyone is over...
and I'm kind of wondering...
Am I over IT?
I mean, really? REALLY? Am I?
I know my friends are going to read this and think "why the hell is she being all emo?"
To be honest, this vacation has made me exhausted and ponder a lot of things. For example, the amount of effort I put into not only maintaining the friendships I have made, but the really, really good friendships that I've made. Like the girls that I call my best friends... It's seriously exhausting. I don't know when I'm going to see these people again and I don't know where to go from here.
I want to be done with the Fandom and my life online. I want to wash my hands of all of it. Friends, website included, but than, that would be extremely selfish.
I guess I came home kind of depressed. Usually at the end of a vacation, I WANT to come home, but not this one. This one I wanted to stay and that was merely because I didn't get to do the things that I wanted to do. Go out on the town and let myself be free. I felt like I didn't get to connect with the people I wanted to connect with and all in all, I mean, I had fun, I guess it was just so different than from what I was expecting. I definitely know that I like vacations with just close friends and I like having my own vehicle so I can come and go as I please. It's hard when different people want to do different things. Forks was easy. We could do whatever, whenever. I wish I could have gotten my family more souvenirs. I wish I could have gotten myself a souvenir... I wish I could have gotten Nikki something. There just wasn't time to take a breath and focus and figure out what I wanted to get or anything.
Now that I'm home, I don't have anything to look forward to and I feel painfully useless and unsteady. Before it was "TwiCon is right around the corner and then I'll figure my shit out." Now, I'm just looking at my options and realizing that I have none. I put so much focus on Twilight, TwiCon, Sam and Megan and now I'm wondering, do I want to keep my focus there??? In the back of my head, I'm trying to sort out times that I might be able to visit them in the future, but at some point, I need to stop myself. There are other vacations I want to take plus, I want to live either in the U.S. or the U.K. and I need to make that happen. Sooner rather than later. I love the accomplishments that I've made and the friends I've met, but do I see a future in the direction that I'm looking at right now? Am I realistically going to be able to keep these girls dear to my heart who mean so much to me right now? It all seems like such a long shot which is why I need to figure it out ASAP.
I think not having a job and being so unsure about things is making my life difficult. All the things that I want in life are cluster fucked together and sitting on top of them is me...NOT having money. What the fuck am I doing to do once I do get a job and get money? I'm going to pull myself in so many different directions.
Ugh, I'll just go read my book and sort my stupid thoughts when I might be able to figure them out.
I miss so many people right now. Alex being the main one. When did this life get so difficult? I want to be 14 again where everyday was fucked up and I just didn't give a shit.
Please, let me leave you with the weirdest song EVER!
and I'm kind of wondering...
Am I over IT?
I mean, really? REALLY? Am I?
I know my friends are going to read this and think "why the hell is she being all emo?"
To be honest, this vacation has made me exhausted and ponder a lot of things. For example, the amount of effort I put into not only maintaining the friendships I have made, but the really, really good friendships that I've made. Like the girls that I call my best friends... It's seriously exhausting. I don't know when I'm going to see these people again and I don't know where to go from here.
I want to be done with the Fandom and my life online. I want to wash my hands of all of it. Friends, website included, but than, that would be extremely selfish.
I guess I came home kind of depressed. Usually at the end of a vacation, I WANT to come home, but not this one. This one I wanted to stay and that was merely because I didn't get to do the things that I wanted to do. Go out on the town and let myself be free. I felt like I didn't get to connect with the people I wanted to connect with and all in all, I mean, I had fun, I guess it was just so different than from what I was expecting. I definitely know that I like vacations with just close friends and I like having my own vehicle so I can come and go as I please. It's hard when different people want to do different things. Forks was easy. We could do whatever, whenever. I wish I could have gotten my family more souvenirs. I wish I could have gotten myself a souvenir... I wish I could have gotten Nikki something. There just wasn't time to take a breath and focus and figure out what I wanted to get or anything.
Now that I'm home, I don't have anything to look forward to and I feel painfully useless and unsteady. Before it was "TwiCon is right around the corner and then I'll figure my shit out." Now, I'm just looking at my options and realizing that I have none. I put so much focus on Twilight, TwiCon, Sam and Megan and now I'm wondering, do I want to keep my focus there??? In the back of my head, I'm trying to sort out times that I might be able to visit them in the future, but at some point, I need to stop myself. There are other vacations I want to take plus, I want to live either in the U.S. or the U.K. and I need to make that happen. Sooner rather than later. I love the accomplishments that I've made and the friends I've met, but do I see a future in the direction that I'm looking at right now? Am I realistically going to be able to keep these girls dear to my heart who mean so much to me right now? It all seems like such a long shot which is why I need to figure it out ASAP.
I think not having a job and being so unsure about things is making my life difficult. All the things that I want in life are cluster fucked together and sitting on top of them is me...NOT having money. What the fuck am I doing to do once I do get a job and get money? I'm going to pull myself in so many different directions.
Ugh, I'll just go read my book and sort my stupid thoughts when I might be able to figure them out.
I miss so many people right now. Alex being the main one. When did this life get so difficult? I want to be 14 again where everyday was fucked up and I just didn't give a shit.
Please, let me leave you with the weirdest song EVER!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Hi Sam
I like the following:
Sam + Booze + Texas +.... okay, well that's what I love, but it's pretty fucking awesome, is it not?
Brb, going to retrieve Arnold and Sam and my smokes.
Sam + Booze + Texas +.... okay, well that's what I love, but it's pretty fucking awesome, is it not?
Brb, going to retrieve Arnold and Sam and my smokes.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I'M IN ARIZONA BITCHES!!! If anyone cares!
Less than four hours and I'll be with SAMSAMSAMSAM and soon JAMANJAMANJAMAN. I love my lifeeeeeeeeeee! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Less than four hours and I'll be with SAMSAMSAMSAM and soon JAMANJAMANJAMAN. I love my lifeeeeeeeeeee! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
This is a good imitation of the blues
Has anyone told you they missed you lately?
Yes, so cute! :)
What are you doing Saturday?
I'LL BE IN TEXAS!!! With Sam, apparently drinking at some country bar! HELL. YES.
What's the last song you listened to?
Glory Box - Portishead. I wish I wasn't so damn addicted to this song.
Who is the last person to send you a msg?
A message? What kind of message. If it's via Facebook, than Alex.
Who were the last three people to text your phone?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH, I don't remember, its been so long.
Do you think long distance relationships work out?
I don't know, I've never had to make one work. I think if two people are meant to work out, they'll find a way.
Does anyone disgust you?
A few people. AAHAHAHAHAHA.
What's something you can't wait for?
Is anything bothering you?
I'm kinda lonely right now. It's whatever though.
Are you talking to anyone while doing this? Who?
No :( Why are all of you assholes sleeping?
When you say you don't care do you mean it?
Most of the time, I really don't care. But there are those times where I say I don't care and tears immedietely form in my eyes, it's awful.
Think back to yesterday, what were you doing?
Camping, driving home from camping... that's basically it.
Do you enjoy family get togethers?
Sometimes. I enjoy them more now than I used to.
Are you keeping a secret?
Everyone has a secret, therefore, yes, I am keeping a secret and I'll never tell.
Did you laugh a lot at something today?
Not really actually, today was really boring.
Has someone smacked your butt in the past week?
Yes. HAHA.
Your boyfriend/girlfriend isn't around but their phone is, do you look through it?
I made that mistake once and from now on in, I'd rather NOT know.
What if they went through yours?
I'm a pretty open person. There was once a couple texts that were questionable, but we weren't officially dating or anything.
I bet you miss someone?
I do miss lots of people. Sometimes life happens though and people grow apart.
Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Kind of... maybe :) Texas makes me smile!
Do you believe there is one right person for you out there in the world?
At LEAST one right person. Actually, I believe that there is one PERFECT person for you and a few other people whow definitely fit the description of Mr. Right.
When you're sick or sad, do you want to be alone or do you want someone?
I want someone there for me...but I don't want them being annoying.
Last time you talked on the phone?
Tonight, a few hours ago.
How long where you on the phone for?
Five minutes maybe.
What would you do if someone called you handsome/beautiful?
Say thanks and blush
Did you know that you can't kill yourself by holding your breath?
Hmmmm, let me try!
What is something that you realized today?
Simple things make me happy and I love it!
Who was the first person you talked to today?
I don't know...Sam, maybe?
Do you smoke weed everyday?
Negative. I haven't done drugs in a VERY long time.
Who is your favorite person to talk to when you’re down?
Nikki, she understands me way too well.
Do you miss the way things used to be?
At times. I miss being young and stupid. I didn't give a damn about what someone thought of me. If people had an insult to throw at me, I had 3 more to throw back at them. I was fun, not shy in any way and everyday was a new experience.
Are you a patient person?
I try and be but sometimes I get too excited or on the flip side, too freaking bored.
How's your heart lately?
Good, but slightly torn.
When was the last time you cried?
A couple Saturday's ago.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
Garage clothing.
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
My auntie Cindy, my friends.
Who is your last text from?
Hell if I know.
What were you doing at 8 this morning?
Sleeping...I was on my 5th hour of sleep to be exact.
What's the last thing you bought?
I did a lot of shopping today...but to get technical... a pack of smokes from 7-11
Last person you gave a hug to (not family)?
What do you hear right now?
Gone Country - Alan Jackson
Where's your phone right now?
My bedroom... or something.
How are you feeling?
Tired and bored and restless.
Think of the last time you were REALLY angry when was it?
Yesterday... kind of, I guess. My memory SUCKS apparently.
Name something you are doing tonight?
It's 1:30am, I'm not doing ANYTHING.
Will tomorrow be better than today?
Hopefully, I want to be productive tomorrow. Gym. Haircut. Pack...etc
Honestly has anyone ever seen you in your underwear?
Who else is in the room with you?
No one, I'm by myself just hangin' out
How is your hair right now?
Crazy, I let it dry when I got out of the shower
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?
Fuck. No.
What did you do today?
Went shopping, walked my dog, that's it pretty much.
Did you speak to your mother today?
Sure did. I showed her the pretty bathing suit I bought!
Is it easy to make you cry?
Have you told anybody you loved them today?
No, I haven't... I don't think so anyways. Maybe Sam or Megan but that's it.
Do you take walks often?
I walk my dog every single day <3
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Who was the last person you talked to last night before you fell asleep?
That is a secretttt :)
Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?
No, I would kill people that called me in the middle of the night.
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Not a best friend, but a lot of really amazing good friends.
Is your bedroom window open?
What a weird freaking way to end this survey thing! Hmmm, so weird.
I'm tired. Must sleep, I think. That way, tomorrow I can be productive.
Yes, so cute! :)
What are you doing Saturday?
I'LL BE IN TEXAS!!! With Sam, apparently drinking at some country bar! HELL. YES.
What's the last song you listened to?
Glory Box - Portishead. I wish I wasn't so damn addicted to this song.
Who is the last person to send you a msg?
A message? What kind of message. If it's via Facebook, than Alex.
Who were the last three people to text your phone?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH, I don't remember, its been so long.
Do you think long distance relationships work out?
I don't know, I've never had to make one work. I think if two people are meant to work out, they'll find a way.
Does anyone disgust you?
A few people. AAHAHAHAHAHA.
What's something you can't wait for?
Is anything bothering you?
I'm kinda lonely right now. It's whatever though.
Are you talking to anyone while doing this? Who?
No :( Why are all of you assholes sleeping?
When you say you don't care do you mean it?
Most of the time, I really don't care. But there are those times where I say I don't care and tears immedietely form in my eyes, it's awful.
Think back to yesterday, what were you doing?
Camping, driving home from camping... that's basically it.
Do you enjoy family get togethers?
Sometimes. I enjoy them more now than I used to.
Are you keeping a secret?
Everyone has a secret, therefore, yes, I am keeping a secret and I'll never tell.
Did you laugh a lot at something today?
Not really actually, today was really boring.
Has someone smacked your butt in the past week?
Yes. HAHA.
Your boyfriend/girlfriend isn't around but their phone is, do you look through it?
I made that mistake once and from now on in, I'd rather NOT know.
What if they went through yours?
I'm a pretty open person. There was once a couple texts that were questionable, but we weren't officially dating or anything.
I bet you miss someone?
I do miss lots of people. Sometimes life happens though and people grow apart.
Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Kind of... maybe :) Texas makes me smile!
Do you believe there is one right person for you out there in the world?
At LEAST one right person. Actually, I believe that there is one PERFECT person for you and a few other people whow definitely fit the description of Mr. Right.
When you're sick or sad, do you want to be alone or do you want someone?
I want someone there for me...but I don't want them being annoying.
Last time you talked on the phone?
Tonight, a few hours ago.
How long where you on the phone for?
Five minutes maybe.
What would you do if someone called you handsome/beautiful?
Say thanks and blush
Did you know that you can't kill yourself by holding your breath?
Hmmmm, let me try!
What is something that you realized today?
Simple things make me happy and I love it!
Who was the first person you talked to today?
I don't know...Sam, maybe?
Do you smoke weed everyday?
Negative. I haven't done drugs in a VERY long time.
Who is your favorite person to talk to when you’re down?
Nikki, she understands me way too well.
Do you miss the way things used to be?
At times. I miss being young and stupid. I didn't give a damn about what someone thought of me. If people had an insult to throw at me, I had 3 more to throw back at them. I was fun, not shy in any way and everyday was a new experience.
Are you a patient person?
I try and be but sometimes I get too excited or on the flip side, too freaking bored.
How's your heart lately?
Good, but slightly torn.
When was the last time you cried?
A couple Saturday's ago.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
Garage clothing.
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
My auntie Cindy, my friends.
Who is your last text from?
Hell if I know.
What were you doing at 8 this morning?
Sleeping...I was on my 5th hour of sleep to be exact.
What's the last thing you bought?
I did a lot of shopping today...but to get technical... a pack of smokes from 7-11
Last person you gave a hug to (not family)?
What do you hear right now?
Gone Country - Alan Jackson
Where's your phone right now?
My bedroom... or something.
How are you feeling?
Tired and bored and restless.
Think of the last time you were REALLY angry when was it?
Yesterday... kind of, I guess. My memory SUCKS apparently.
Name something you are doing tonight?
It's 1:30am, I'm not doing ANYTHING.
Will tomorrow be better than today?
Hopefully, I want to be productive tomorrow. Gym. Haircut. Pack...etc
Honestly has anyone ever seen you in your underwear?
Who else is in the room with you?
No one, I'm by myself just hangin' out
How is your hair right now?
Crazy, I let it dry when I got out of the shower
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?
Fuck. No.
What did you do today?
Went shopping, walked my dog, that's it pretty much.
Did you speak to your mother today?
Sure did. I showed her the pretty bathing suit I bought!
Is it easy to make you cry?
Have you told anybody you loved them today?
No, I haven't... I don't think so anyways. Maybe Sam or Megan but that's it.
Do you take walks often?
I walk my dog every single day <3
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Who was the last person you talked to last night before you fell asleep?
That is a secretttt :)
Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?
No, I would kill people that called me in the middle of the night.
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Not a best friend, but a lot of really amazing good friends.
Is your bedroom window open?
What a weird freaking way to end this survey thing! Hmmm, so weird.
I'm tired. Must sleep, I think. That way, tomorrow I can be productive.
Monday, July 20, 2009
I listened to this song for the first time last night and although it sounded really familiar, I'm sure I haven't heard it anywhere before.
Anyways, I'M OBSESSED.
There is something in the melody and the words and her voice that I can't figure it out, but it gives me butterflies.
Anyways, I'M OBSESSED.
There is something in the melody and the words and her voice that I can't figure it out, but it gives me butterflies.
You're a boy and I'm a girl
(Lets see if you can get through it. If not; you're too scared about your past)
- How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you that they love you? 1
- Have you ever thought you're going to marry the person you were with? Yes
- Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt? Yes
- Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry? Yes
- Are you happier single or in a relationship? I am learning to be happy single. It's definitely not the end of the world like I once thought it was.
- Have you ever been cheated on? If I have, that person hasn't confessed.
- Have you ever had your heart broken? In the heat of the moment, it felt like it, but in the long run, no.
- Have you ever broken someone's heart? I hope not.
- Talk to any of your ex's? Yep
- Think any of your ex's feel the same way about you the way they did when you were dating? Yep. Ugh.
- Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend? I think I'm a good girlfriend. I have flaws and I can get on people's nerves but that comes with the territory.
- Have you dated people who were not good to you? No, I've dated people who have had moments of weakness but overall, they were great.
- Have you been in an abusive relationship? No. Eff that.
- Have you dated someone older then you? Yes
- Dated someone younger then you? Yes
- Do you regret anything that you have or haven't done with a boyfriend or girlfriend? No regrets... there are certain things that I ponder or I might have been MORE happy if they went a certain way but I'm still alive and happy, so there is nothing that I really want to take back.
- Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? That's an open ended question. I think the majority of the world with good intentions, deserves a second chance. But if you live life with the intent to harm another person be it physically, mentally or emotionally...sometimes, your realization that you want a do over comes too late...and FUCK YOU.
- Believe in love at first sight? Nope, just lust. How can you base love on a glance?
- Ever dated two people at once? No.
- Ever been given an Engagement ring? No, just a promise ring.
- Do you have something to say to any of your ex's? Not really.
- Ever stolen someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend? Nope
- Ever liked someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend? I've thought they were cute but I've never developed hard feelings.
- Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? If you've never had your heart broken or experienced a breakup with someone that you truly loved, then you can't possibly begin to understand the feeling. It's worse than it sounds.
Name: Jessica Nicole Miller
Birth date: May 24 1988
Current Location: Home sweet home...aka under my parents roof
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark brown with random purpley/pink in it.
Your fears: Dying or getting old before I've done the things I want to do. Living life alone, ladybugs, the future...
Your weakness: Slurpees and that half smile that a guy gives you... drool.
Your perfect pizza: ham, pineapple, green peppers, mushrooms.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Step foot on every continent.
Your thoughts first waking up: "Where the fuck is a clock so I can figure out the time?"
Your best physical feature: My... I don't know damn it.
Your bedtime: lately... between 3 and 6am, before it was around 1am
Your most missed memory: Junior High...ALL OF IT
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or group dates: Group dates
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Eh, I don't really care.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: Neither. Fuck. Ew.
Smoke: Yes.
Cuss: Way too much. It gets me in trouble.
Take a shower: Every night usually.
Like school: I enjoyed school for the most part.
Do you believe in yourself: To an extent.
Think you're a health freak: I wish.
Gone to the mall: Yes.
Been on stage: Nope.
Eaten Sushi: Nope
Gone skating: No haha
Dyed your hair: Yea.
Played a stripping game: Yes
Gotten beaten up: No.
Changed who you were to fit in: Probably, when I was a lot younger.
Age your hoping to be married: To be honest, not really. I'm more or less looking for someone to love. If marriage plays a part, so be it.
Best eye color: I don't notice eyes. green, brown, blue, it's whatever.
Best hair color: Darker hair... brown
Short or long hair: I like short for the most part...shaved heads make me drool but on occasion, I find myself being STUPIDLY attracted to a guy with long hair and I can't figure it out.
1 MINUTE AGO: This survey, obviously
1 HOUR AGO: Getting home from the mall
1 WEEK AGO: Nothing... walking my dog and showering haha
1 MONTH AGO: Getting ready for FORKS, WA!!! <3
1 YEAR AGO: Living with Alex, working my butt off
I FEEL: like I should walk my dog, shower and put my laundry away...and pack
I HATE: that time of the month, not having a job, not being in TX with Sam RIGHT NOW
I HIDE: my feelings... A LOT, especially the ones that make me vulnerable.
I NEED: to cuddle up with someone and watch an awesome movie!
(Lets see if you can get through it. If not; you're too scared about your past)
- How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you that they love you? 1
- Have you ever thought you're going to marry the person you were with? Yes
- Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt? Yes
- Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry? Yes
- Are you happier single or in a relationship? I am learning to be happy single. It's definitely not the end of the world like I once thought it was.
- Have you ever been cheated on? If I have, that person hasn't confessed.
- Have you ever had your heart broken? In the heat of the moment, it felt like it, but in the long run, no.
- Have you ever broken someone's heart? I hope not.
- Talk to any of your ex's? Yep
- Think any of your ex's feel the same way about you the way they did when you were dating? Yep. Ugh.
- Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend? I think I'm a good girlfriend. I have flaws and I can get on people's nerves but that comes with the territory.
- Have you dated people who were not good to you? No, I've dated people who have had moments of weakness but overall, they were great.
- Have you been in an abusive relationship? No. Eff that.
- Have you dated someone older then you? Yes
- Dated someone younger then you? Yes
- Do you regret anything that you have or haven't done with a boyfriend or girlfriend? No regrets... there are certain things that I ponder or I might have been MORE happy if they went a certain way but I'm still alive and happy, so there is nothing that I really want to take back.
- Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? That's an open ended question. I think the majority of the world with good intentions, deserves a second chance. But if you live life with the intent to harm another person be it physically, mentally or emotionally...sometimes, your realization that you want a do over comes too late...and FUCK YOU.
- Believe in love at first sight? Nope, just lust. How can you base love on a glance?
- Ever dated two people at once? No.
- Ever been given an Engagement ring? No, just a promise ring.
- Do you have something to say to any of your ex's? Not really.
- Ever stolen someone’s boyfriend or girlfriend? Nope
- Ever liked someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend? I've thought they were cute but I've never developed hard feelings.
- Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? If you've never had your heart broken or experienced a breakup with someone that you truly loved, then you can't possibly begin to understand the feeling. It's worse than it sounds.
Name: Jessica Nicole Miller
Birth date: May 24 1988
Current Location: Home sweet home...aka under my parents roof
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark brown with random purpley/pink in it.
Your fears: Dying or getting old before I've done the things I want to do. Living life alone, ladybugs, the future...
Your weakness: Slurpees and that half smile that a guy gives you... drool.
Your perfect pizza: ham, pineapple, green peppers, mushrooms.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Step foot on every continent.
Your thoughts first waking up: "Where the fuck is a clock so I can figure out the time?"
Your best physical feature: My... I don't know damn it.
Your bedtime: lately... between 3 and 6am, before it was around 1am
Your most missed memory: Junior High...ALL OF IT
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or group dates: Group dates
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Eh, I don't really care.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: Neither. Fuck. Ew.
Smoke: Yes.
Cuss: Way too much. It gets me in trouble.
Take a shower: Every night usually.
Like school: I enjoyed school for the most part.
Do you believe in yourself: To an extent.
Think you're a health freak: I wish.
Gone to the mall: Yes.
Been on stage: Nope.
Eaten Sushi: Nope
Gone skating: No haha
Dyed your hair: Yea.
Played a stripping game: Yes
Gotten beaten up: No.
Changed who you were to fit in: Probably, when I was a lot younger.
Age your hoping to be married: To be honest, not really. I'm more or less looking for someone to love. If marriage plays a part, so be it.
Best eye color: I don't notice eyes. green, brown, blue, it's whatever.
Best hair color: Darker hair... brown
Short or long hair: I like short for the most part...shaved heads make me drool but on occasion, I find myself being STUPIDLY attracted to a guy with long hair and I can't figure it out.
1 MINUTE AGO: This survey, obviously
1 HOUR AGO: Getting home from the mall
1 WEEK AGO: Nothing... walking my dog and showering haha
1 MONTH AGO: Getting ready for FORKS, WA!!! <3
1 YEAR AGO: Living with Alex, working my butt off
I FEEL: like I should walk my dog, shower and put my laundry away...and pack
I HATE: that time of the month, not having a job, not being in TX with Sam RIGHT NOW
I HIDE: my feelings... A LOT, especially the ones that make me vulnerable.
I NEED: to cuddle up with someone and watch an awesome movie!
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