I'm ecstatic, beyond ecstatic. I'm going to see some of the people whom I've made a priority in my life lately.
-Sam(you're making the day trip)
-KP(you're making the day trip WITH Sam)
-Angie =)
-and Greg! Of course!
You guys are all important to me and I promise that if you meant anything less to me than you do now, I would have definitely NOT spent the 400CAD that it cost to fly down there. I love you all and I hope these next two months fly by!!!
I'll be arriving on wednesday and leaving the following wednesday... 8 DAYS WITH MY OTHER HALF!!! The anticipation is already too much!
Sam and KP, I really, really hope you gals can make it, I would love nothing more than to at least get the chance to say hi to you guys in person and give you an awesome hug!

I CANT believe it's only a few weeks more than a MONTHHH away. we're gonna have... well, the best week I've had in a long, long time.
Katie & Sam (& little bella<3)... you guys had BETTER come.. at least for the day! ...seriously.
ok thats crazy soon! i can't cant' CAN'T WAIT!!!
we are going to have so much fun. i can't believe i didcnt see this journal post sooner i must have missed it. <333
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