Saturday, December 20, 2008

How Aware are YOU of Your Surroundings???

So! Yesterday, on my day off, I decided to get some last minute christmas shopping in. It was freezing out(around -30celsius) so people were scurrying from their cars to the mall, trying to avoid the cold at all costs.

I was finished with my shopping at the mall and I was waiting at an exit for my dad to pick me up. There was sliding doors in the middle and two regualar sets of doors to either side of it. WELLLLLL, the sliding doors and one set of doors were out of order. They had HUGE OUT OF ORDER signs posted and everything. Since traffic was bad, I ended up waiting for my dad for about 45 minutes at the exit. MOST AMUSING 45MINUTES OF MY LIFE!!! The title of my post is "How aware are you of your surroundings?" After observing people and the issues they had with these doors, I've realized that people are VERY unaware.

The people entering and exiting were SO unaware that even though there was massive signs on the doors, they walked right in to them, fiddled with them, kicked and swore at the doors...I'd even pipe out "you need to go all the way down to the left." But NOOOO, they wouldn't listen at all, they'd just keep attempting to shove the doors open.

Although it was hilarious and if I had a camera, it probabl could have made its way to AFV, at the same time...I'm thinking about how dangerous it is not to be attentive. If you're not observant of your surroundings including scenery, people and other small things, you could find yourself in trouble. For example,if you keep in mind who you're surrounded by and someone makes a grab for your bags and gets away with them, by being aware of them, you could file a police report easier and give a better description.


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My Reads!!!

  • Lords of the Underworld(Adult Romance 18+)
  • Black Dagger Brotherhood Series(Adult Romance 18+)
  • Twilight Saga