So I gave up on this webpage stuff a couple days ago. Not really given up i guess, but taken a long vacation. I need to get focused and motivated if I want any good to come out of this. So on friday my uncle had surgery and my cousin was here and shes really little so I ended up watching her all weekend which wasn't bad because she's the cutest little girl ever. We went to the mall and met Alex for lunch and had a gay old time. I bought shit loads of more earrings which really wasn't needed. I'm saying it wasn't needed because if you saw my bathroom you'd see why. sooooo many pairs of earrings. I also bought new nose rings which i really needed. Monday night Dana and Nikki came over and we were supposed to have a nice normal night and do whatever, but we ended up drinking. I was drinking coolers and I really can't drink them so yep, you guessed it. I PUKED! I wasn't drunk enough though that I being stupid about it. I made it to the toilet and afterwards i showered and brushed my teeth. But it was a fun night all around. I LOVE NIKKI & DANA!!! So yea back to a more depressing I told Brianna that we could be friends, because shes a good person and I love her and I do indeed want to be friends but as soon as i said it she found some stupid reason to not be friends. I'm "selfish". This is getting really childish and i'm pretty sure that if things don't move ahead one way or another then were just going to stop talking to eachother completely. Things are at such a standstill and it's driving me CRAZY. New semester in one week. sweeetttt. I think...if i'm correct that it gets broken down as follows
per 1 - Spare
Per 2 - Social
Lunch - Choir
Per 3 - Acting for camera
Per 4 - Career exploration
Afterschool - Advanced acting
It's a slack term however i might fill my spare up with science. I dont know. We'll just have to see what happens.
Current Time: 11:31am
Current Mood: blahhhhh
Current Song: Warmness on the soul (a7x)
Computer much? Not really. This is the first time i've been on it in a couple of days. Lets see... on wednesday Nikki came over and we did nothing pretty much. She did my hair and made it look soooooooo pretty. On Wednesday night I went shopping for my friend for his birthday with Alex. We bought him Snatch and Wedding Crashers. Sweet right? I know. I FINALLY watched The 4o-year Old Virgin. Funniest movie. Too many funny parts to name. So i had awesome time yesterday. We went bowling and the guys got super drunk while Nikki and I sat looking amusingly at them. By the time we left the bowling alley, David(birthday boy) was so drunk, he didnt know whether he was coming or going. We had planned on drinking more but that did not happen. As soon as we got home David ended up puking and then just laying in one spot and being funny for the rest of the night. That was the jist of my day yesterday. It was pretty sweet. Oh I also talked to Brianna a bit and although we made progress, i don't know if we actually got somewhere. Fighting with her is like oxygen. We never stop breathing it just like i never stop fighting with her until were dead or her and i arnt friends anymore. I believe people are entitled to another chance but sometime i'm so sure that it won't work so why bother. Oh well, i guess we shall see what happens. Until then...
Current Time: 1:25pm
Current Mood: Lazy...needing to get up and packkkkk
Current Song: Ralph Wiggum
Today was the most boring day of my life. i did nothing. wait im lying. i did lots of things but nothing enough to amuse me in the least. i started the day off by looking at a new house and my family seemed to like it so YAY were moving. I also went to Wal-mart today which was fun enough cause i got some stuff. I bought me some deodarant and a calendar and some of this sex hair styling gel stuff. oh and i also bought a shirt and some hand sanitizer. Im a freak. My shirt is so pretty. Actually not really, its just plain and nothing to it. So i didnt watch that movie last night. I really want to watch it tonight. Last night i just got really sleepy and fell asleep. I love how lame my life is. Whatever. Tomorrow i gotta go shopping for a birthday. Yep its David's 19th birthday. Happy Birthday David!!! I dont know what i shall get him. Maybe something anime or something weird. Something that he'll enjoy fully. And then on Thursday were going bowling for his birthday. Bowling, lame as it sounds, is amazing. You get to consume alcoholic beverages in a place where i am legally allowed to be and have a good time. I suck at bowling though. Like suck more than you could imagine. Anywho i'm still trying to figure this stuff out. Not that im an idiot cause i know how this works, i'm just really lazy to put work into this thing. so i'm going to go stare at this screen for a bit more and then try and throw something together.
Current Time: 11:56pm
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: Call Me
Can i start off by saying that today was the biggest shit show of my life. okay so i might be exaggerating a bit but it was close to. First off the diplomas were really easy. so easy infact that i took it for granted and misread something meaning that im going to get docked for my final mark. that suckkkkkkks. After that i had drama and i had to do auditions. That in its entirety caused a huge scene. The morebetterness aka best friend aka brianna happened to be on total bitch mode today and she went psycho leaving me with nothing but a mark thats pretty much failing in drama 3o. After that everything went down hill. i told my teacher to go to hell amongst other harsh things. and sure it may have been uncalled for but she deserved it at that point in time. gaddddd im so happy her class is over. anyways after that the day was just okay. nothing special about anything. read some lines and hung out with alex. Tonight i plan on watching the 4o-year old virgin. I know i know, i should have taken the time to watch that movie two months ago but every time i sit down to watch it, i end up snoozing. its a funny movie, but i dont know. maybe ive just been too tired every time i go to watch it. I'm making a vow to get through it tonight. i'll tell you how it goes. So now for the sappy stuff. I met Brianna a little while back and we quickly became attached at the hips. and i dont just mean attached like BFF, i mean we spend every waking minute together. last semester we had six classes together. aside from that, we have every single thing in common. pretty much. we have differences like everyone else and thats what get us into these fights. i love her to death. brianna i love you to death, so i hope this thing passes. anyways so now im just figuring out some more of this confusing webpage. byyeeeeee.
Current Time: 10:42pm
Current Mood: confused
Current Song: Beauty and the Beast (audition piece)
Well i must start off by saying this is all so new to me. i hope im figuring it out right. I chose the simple black and white themed page for my blog because it contrasts so nicely which i happen to love and because im a very black and white person. sometimes i'll write to vent and yell and other times i'll write just because i feel like it. well lets see... today is January the fifteenth and tomorrow are my English 30 exams. Only part A though which is a relief but still, im nervous. Im not so much nervous about it being an exam, but just what the exam represents. It just goes to show that there one aspect of my grade 12 actually of all school for that matter of with. i'll never be in english again unless i want to take it in post secondary. *sigh* anyways, after the exam i've got some drama crap to take care of. im not sure if i should sing Les Miserables or Phantom for my audition piece. Or if i should just choose a new route altogether. hmm life is confusing. well this shall be all for the first blog entry of many. i'll tell you how the exam goes. BYEEEEEEEE
Current Time: 10:13pm
Current Mood: Antsy
Current Song: Help!(the beatles)
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