So, wake up... get ready for work, NOT really excited because... well, who really gets excited to work a 12hour shift? Unless you're fucking psychotic, no one! So my day is trucking on by, nothing really special happens, until about 8pm when 3 things happened very close to eachother, 2 of these things just minutes apart.
First thing.
A skinny ass german comes up to me with an awesome accent. I'm a sucker for accents, so if you're foreign, you're hittin' the jackpot with me. Although I'm not a huge fan of german accents because they sound so harsh, this one wasn't bad at all! In fact, I even had to ask him what part of Europe he was from because I was going to guess Dutch or Belgian. So yada, yada, yada, he asks me to order a taxi van because he has a box... a box that looks like it's carrying 8 small children. No joke, this thing was fucking HUGE. So he's asking for this van and I'm gawking because I think it'll never fit. I'm also gawking because he is really skinny and quite tall which aren't a good combination. I immedietely thought "if you were 25lbs heavier, you would be REALLY freaking good looking!" So anyways, I jokingly say "what are you doing with that bike in there, bike riding to banff?" Thinking that it seems very possible because there are tons of people who bike ride from here to Banff (about a 90 minute car drive), he replies "why yes, I'm Banff is my first stop and then I'm bike riding to Vancouver Island and over to Seattle." I then proceeeded to stare at him like he was FUCKING INSANE! "You're bike riding... toooo Seattle?" I stuttered. "Yes" came the reply from the skinny german. Needless to say, I was shocked. He then proceeded to talk about how he had NO GIRLFRIEND and LOTS OF TIME to he was doing it over the duration of three weeks. We then talked about how I would be in Seattle at the exact same time he was (fucking cool)...and then his taxi came after we chit chatted a bit more. The point to my story is... why didn't I bother getting some sort of contact info from him? He's spending the next three weeks all freaking "Into The Wild" style, I'm sure he'd find it interesting to hang out in a foreign city with another person!!! Ahhh, whatevs... next time, I'll be smarter!
Second thing.... HOLY FUCK, PIECE OF SHIT ASSHOLE. This next section is addressed to YOU (not that you'll ever read it, but that's besides the point)...YOU, are a fucking piece of shit, what makes you think you can talk to people like that... make them feel worthless and stupid? It's disgusting and you deserve to be kept in a cellar for the rest of your life with rats picking at your feet.
Okay, so the story behind above paragraph is: I was just chilling at work, two hours left, when this guy comes up to me and mumbles "is there a phone bank for a limo?" Well, I don't know where he is coming from, but up here, I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT A PHONE BANK IS!... so I say "pardon me, a what?" And instead of him explaining, he goes "DO YOU NOT SPEAK ANY FUCKING ENGLISH, GOD, STUPID FUCKING PEOPLE" and then he proceeded to spit, literally spit beside me... like inches away from me. If he had spit on me, I think I would have lost my marbles.
So at this point, I'm angry, I'm shaking, I want to go home and I'm trying to calm down. All of a sudden.... less than a minute later, no joke... there is 3 guys and a girl walking down the airport hall... they pause one counter down from me, one of the guys comes up to me and says "I don't need anything from you, I just wanted to get a closer look at you and tell you that you are absolutely beautiful." I had no idea what to reply so I ended up half stuttering him and half thanking him.
So now, I feel all out of sorts. BLAH!
On another note...
2 weeks from today, I'll be double checking my suitcase to make sure that I've packed everything! Washington is so close... and you know what that means; the sooner Washington comes, the sooner TwiCon comes and the sooner Megan and I can focus 100% of our efforts on THE UK! I'm just itching for the day that I buy my plane ticket so I can say "IT'S BOOKED." And then scream and shout!
I want a bump it...I think Sam told me about them... does that make me lame? Sometimes I can give myself a wicked backcomb and then other times, I am monorail.
OH YEA, that fucking reminds me. I wanted to mail something to Megan because I remember her saying she NEVER gets mail (nerd), so I put a lot of thought and effort into preparing something, I make sure I have it already before the UPS store closes and then I go to send it, and the guy at the UPS store tells me it's going to cost $17.72 to post it...and that's to post via Canada Post, not tracking number, nothing. If I want it tracked, it's an extra 7 dollars. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. 17 dollars to send a package the size of my hand. That did not go over well. I told him to get my shout out of the package, I was NOT using a company that charged out of the ass. So it's off to the post office tomorrow for me, hopefully there, it'll be at least 50% cheaper. That would make my life!
I'll end this off with a foto! I just googled "inspiration" and got the picture below... shows you what our world is coming to! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

P.S. Why is AirCanada and WestJet getting new uniforms? All bright and shit? Me likey!
1 comment:
First off: that guy was a douche. fuck him.
Secondly: awww, sweet german man and other dude that called you beautiful.
And my verification word is "morfu". I think we can use that for something.
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