Sunday, June 14, 2009

Never-Ending Why

I've alienated myself from like.... anyone who is important.

Fuck TwiCon...and Washington.

I want a sandwich and Cam Gigandet, both of those things would make me feel entirely better.


So, it's been about half an hour since I've started this post...and a lot has happened in those 30 minutes, so I guess I'll just continue.

I was going to end this blog at... "entirely better." But now, I feel like I should continue. Soooo, I'm looking for an appropriate emo picture to suit this blog because I felt like it was well deserved. And as I'm looking for a photo, internet just closes. UGHHH, just like that. So instead of being a patient individual, I decide "fuck that noise, I want food."

So I went to go make bread, cheese and meat, better known as a SANDWICH... it went kind of like this:

Jessica wants sandwich
Jessica opens fridge
Jessica opens crisper
Jessica looks at different luncheon meats
Jessica spots bologna
Jessica contemplates
Jessica picks up bologna
Jessica looks at bologna due date
Jessica is relieved, bologna very fresh, bought yesterday
Jessica opens bologna
Jessica smells bologna
Jessica regrets smelling bologna
Jessica locates 12 grain
Jessica locates cheese
Jessica contemplates bologna again
Jessica puts bread, cheese and bologna together
Jessica sits on carpet
Jessica locates cartoons
Jessica feels euphoric due to memories of being 8
Jessica misses being 8
Jessica locates juice
Jessica decides water is better due to hangover
Jessica eats sandwich
The end

Yes, I know, that was the most pointless story of my life, but I felt I needed to share it.

So.... backtracking a little (there are parents yelling at their kids outside my window) <--- that isn't part of my story.

Anyways, yesterday, Nikki and I are EXTREMELY bored. We're waiting around, wondering what everyone is up to when finally, our friend Bryan calls. He's like "lets go in the hot tub!!!" I'm like "fuck you and no." He persists and I swear...I haven't been in a pool/hot tub in years and nor did I plan on going in one anytime soon. Well, eventually, I give in. I thought "there will be people that don't end up going in, I'll just chill out."

I ended up putting on my bathing suit (which for all intensive purposes, is not meant for water). It's a white bathing suit, but I have this really cute grey, black and green dress that I wanted to wear. Plus, the dress is short, so if I had my bottoms on, it wouldn't really matter if I got drunk, biffed it and my dress flew up.

Nikki and I ended up taking over a 26 and 6 coolers (why so much alcohol, I'll never know). We started off the night with drinking games, hanging out, doing whatever. By the time we decided we wanted to get in the hot tub, we were already a few drinks deep and ready to go! At this point, I was like "fuck it, I wanna swim." So into the hot tub we all piled in.

Well, after that, Nikki ended up drinking half of a 26 of rum in the hot tub...and she didn't get out at all. She would sit on the edge, but she didn't actually get out of the hot tub. I was getting out to smoke and all that. Within two hours of being in the hot tub, we were just passing around alcohol at this point, Nikki had already fell face first into the water and was seemingly more drunk as each second passed.

By the time we pulled ourselves out of the hot tub at 2:30, Nikki was a wreck. This is how bad she was... at one point, she called her voice mail and to check her messages and there was one from my dad asking if we needed a ride... WELLL, to her voicemail, she goes "JEFF, YOU LISTEN TO ME, I DON'T NEED A RIDE, I'M SWIMMING, LIKE A FROG...JEFF WHY ARE YOU STILL TALKING, I JUST TOLD YOU, I DON'T NEED A RIDE." After she hangs up, she goes "Jessica, your dad just hung up on me." So she proceeds to CALL MY HOUSE. My dad picks up and she starts talking... "I thought I was calling Jessica's dad, I don't want the voice mail machine, how do I hang up....HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, ECHO, ECHO... click."

I think the point of my story is that hot tubs + alcohol is a no go. Especially in Nikki's case. I mean, I was a shit show, I was wrecked entirely...but Nikki, was past the point of anything sane. She was so fucking stupid last night, that she sat in the middle of the street and started puking. Now I know you're probably saying "that doesn't sound too dumb" but I haven't finished... the road she was sitting on, went uphill, and when she started puking, she was sitting downhill from the spot that she puked, so I'm trying to drag her out of the way... and it's just not working. IDIOT. It was good times though. I didn't get to sleep until 5 in the morning, but that was to be expected. Nikki locked herself in the bathroom for an hour, after demanding that I find her tylenol and water...(UMMM helloooo, I'm drunk too).


Okay, and moving on.

I FUCKING WANT TO WATCH that SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to ask? My brother is going to Blockbuster so I say "can you pick up Braveheart?" He calls me "Blockbuster doesn't have Braveheart." HOW CAN A VIDEO STORE NOT OWN THAT MOVIE... so I'm like...
"what about King Arthur?"
"Nope, that one is rented out."
"The Man In The Iron Mask."
"Romeo & Juliet - leo version"
"Ughhh no."
"fuck blockbuster"
"Tristan & Isolde, please say they have it"
"Can't find it."
"I give up."

YEA, BLOCKBUSTER SUCKS ASS... so I settled on Revolutionary Road which I really, really, really want to see, but I was in the mood for a more "monumental" type movie. I contemplated watching Troy, but I watch that movie way too much...and it's long.... so we'll have to see how this movie goes! I love Kate & Leo <3...I think they're an AMAZING on screen couple. I want to watch Blood Diamond. Okay, so apparently, I'm really in the mood for Leonardo DiCaprio.... can't complain.


My parents are leaving today. I just woke up and it was "k, we're going to go to B.C. today." I'm like "wtf???" My mom was like "we'll be back Tuesday or Wednesday." Ummmm.... BYE. Apparently they're just going to randomly stay at a cabin in the woods so my mom can take some "scenic" photos and my dad can play golf... weird.


So I retract my "fuck TwiCon and WA" statement....but only a little bit...I'm still hating both at the moment, although, I'm saying it with a little less gusto. I'm saying it with a more annoyed tone...whereas before it was "I will hang myself if either of these are mentioned again."


I WANT TO GO TO WALMART. How can I go on vacation if I don't have what I need... like liquids to cleanse my hair... or possibly ANOTHER pair of sandals (I lurve walmart sandals)


bye parents, they've departed


holy hell long blogpost


I miss Las Vegas, you have NO idea how much


10 days


I'll do what I got to, the truth
is you could slit my throat
And with my one last gasping breath
I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt

Taking Back Sunday - I LOVE YOU!


MY COWORKER IS FUCKING PATHETIC. I prefer the undergrowth on a donkey's ass than him. I fucking hate him...HATEHATEHATEHATEHATEHATE. I can't even touch this subject right now or else I'm going to say stuff in which I'll really regret later.




1 comment:

Megan said...

Oh snap! I love your blogs!


Nikki sounds like a pleasant drunk. Lmao. That's gross...the uphill thing..

I've learned its not good to drink and be in a hottub. You're in it too long and don't realize you're getting uber pruny and dehydrated. :[

I adore the Postal Service too, especially that song!! :D

You own me, Jess. ITHANKGODFORYOU. <3
We'll have a great time in WA...don't worry. We'll make it monumental.

We get to dance to 500 miles ,remember?


My Reads!!!

  • Lords of the Underworld(Adult Romance 18+)
  • Black Dagger Brotherhood Series(Adult Romance 18+)
  • Twilight Saga