I don't know how to use it... couldn't tell you how to send a personal message or upload your own background, but I DO have Twitter! Follow me!
My Twitter name obviously comes from Eggo. She gave me this name months ago and Chatzy has surely adopted it. Whatevs, I like it.
Maybe I can go by Suckah whilst on Vacation or do you think people would take that the wrong way?
I feel like every second of my life, I want too much. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn't. I've finally come full circle and realize that the only thing I want... is change. I'm not talking about "waking up ten minutes earlier every morning," orrrrr "eating healthier..." Those things would help, sure. I'm talking about life altering, can't believe I'm going to do this, kind of change. Something that sweeps me off my feet, keeps me guessing and is a complete 360 from the life I live right now. I'm trying to be a realist though. Things like that take time...and money, which is why I'm going to go to the UK with Megan in early 2010. About 250 days away approx. It's close enough that I can be excited, but far enough to save money. I don't know how well afford it or what's going to happen... but it's something we're passionate about, I think that's all that matters. That's where my blog heading comes from; Passion: What else is there? Is it not entirely true? You have to be passionate about what you've got going on in your life because if you're not, I don't think you're really living. Love, hate, opportunity, excitement, creations, new ideas, EVERYTHING is derived from passion. And I figure... "go big or go home." I'm sure that if I can keep up my blog, the majority of it is going to insist of my plans to the UK...so it'll probably include Megan... a lot! Don't get me wrong, things that I was blogging about 6 months ago are still extremely important. I AM going to TwiCon...I AM excited as hell... and I STILL love Sammma more than anything. My best U.S. friend, definitely.
I think by this point, I'm rambling. It's 1:22am and I've got nothing better to do so here I sit, typing mindlessly. I think it's time to count sheep!
Over and out <3
I still love you to my Canadaland bestie. :D
We'll be coming.
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