Unfortunately, on May 23rd, at around 9pm, I got an awful call. Turns out my uncle, my favorite uncle to be exact had passed away. A lot of people use the word "favourite" in dire times to describe people, places or things but in all honesty, he was my favourite. For many years, he lived with my family and I. Many nights were spent watching movies, playing croquet or just sitting around, chit chatting. If your mood was sour, he never let it affect him. He'd just poke a joke at you and make whatever it was that was bugging you, go away. I love him so much it hurts, but I'm happy, because I never let him forget that. UJ, Zinc Mastah J, ily! <3
Now that we're out of the depressing slice of life, that event did throw my vacation off a bit. I contemplated all night on whether or not to go. I got phone calls from my entire family and talked to my parents and all of them said the same thing: "You know, your uncle would scold you if you weren't out, having the time of your life."
We opted to stay at two different hotels that were relatively far apart on the strip (bad idea, will never do it again). New York, New York was the first one at the south end of the strip and Treasure Island was the second one at the north end of the strip. When arriving at a hotel, you'd think that any normal person would put their luggage down, chill out and formulate some sort of plan, right? WRONG... within 30 minutes of arriving there, Nikki was fighting with the hotel manager because she had ordered me expensive ass balloons that hadn't made their way up to our room. I wish I had a picture of the balloons that she was so gung ho over, because it was HILARIOUS!
After the mishap, we were on our way to exploring the hotel, eating and seeing what some of the strip had to offer. We ate at "Nathan's" for the most obvious reason that Nikki orgasms when she hears that name and in reality, I'm only slightly kidding. She is so overly obsessed with the name Nathan, it's almost creepy.
After a short journey, we had to be back at our hotel to get ready and leave for DANE COOK at the palms! We got to the Palms (which is off strip), relatively early so we just hung out waiting for the show to start. The actual show consisted of Dane Cook and two other comedians, both of whose names I forget. They were ridiculously funny, all three of them and I enjoyed every minute.
I'm kind of making this a long post, so I'll speed it up a bit =). We ended up hitting the hay after the show because a) we had started drinking earlier than either of us were used to and b) going off of only two hours of sleep, we both knew that if we had toughed it out, one of us would have gotten sick for the duration of our vacation.
The next day was our shopping day. Up and atter for a full day of money spending! Turns out we didn't spend a whole lot but we did buy some SWEET ASS things. I bought a Fox towel, a volcom necklace, two things which I wouldn't find at home and wouldn't buy normally. I also bought clothes and flip flops...all really cheap. We went to the outlet mall to the south of the strip (much better than the north one)
After a long day shopping, we headed back to the hotel. We dolled ourselves up and headed out. We didn't get very far. To be exact, we got as far as the Bar at Times Square which was located inside New York, New York. We didn't think anything of it. We had free drink coupons to use and that was one of the places they could be used at so that was really the ONLY reason we decided to head on in. We were in there for maybe 5 minutes when we fell IN LOVE with the place. It's a dueling piano bar and definitely, one of the places I've ever been to. We ended up staying way longer than we expected and drinking our faces off. After that we made our way to Coyote Ugly which was one of the main things that had drawn us to stay at NYNY. Let me say one thing about Coyote Ugly: If you're willing to participate in the fun, than you'll have a blast, if not, don't bother going. A lot of people there looked bored out of their minds. The other half was getting drunk off free liquor and singing their faces off. Nikki and I danced on the bar, drank like fishies and left quite happy! It was a great way to end the day.
Tuesday we had tickets to see Mystere, so we spend the entire day exploring the strip. Mystere was EXCELLENT... I'm still unsure of what exactly was going on during the performance, but I think that's the besides the point. We got to see the fountains of the Bellagio, the Volcano at the Mirage, drink at Caesar's Palace and more! By the time we got back to the hotel, it was late, and we were in party mode. Not wanting to stray far, back to the Bar at Times Square it was!
Needless to say, the rest of our trip was spent inside the Bar at Times Square and consisted of meeting British and Scottish boys, Nikki flashing ummmm... haha, drinking footballs full of Red Bull and Vodka and more. I won't explain it, I'll just post pictures! A couple of key notes though:
-I'm never fucking staying at Treasure Island again
-NYNY and the dueling piano bar = OMFGYUSSSS
-How the fuck do girls walk the strip in heals when I can't even walk the strip in flip flops?
-Next time I go, I'm sleeping in till like... 1pm everyday.
-There WILL be a next time, soon.
-How do people survive in weather about 90 degrees?
-How come you can smoke anywhere you want, drink anywhere you want, practically have sex in public, but when getting in a taxi: YOU MUST WEAR YOUR FUCKING SEATBELT?
-The saying definitely isn't "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." It's "What happens in Vegas, NEVER happened in Vegas!"
-Pish, mu, the peace sign, "I would walk 500 miles," Sweet Caroline, the Bellagio at sunrise, will ALL forever be imprinted in my mind and reference Vegas so long as I shall live
-Best. 21st. Birthday. EVER!!!

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